In Meet Mela Again 82 Love Nikki

'Love Nikki' Miraland Quiz Answers: Guide to All Questions in July 2018 Event

The Love Nikki Miraland Quiz Event is back! Check out our guide, featuring every question and answer in the July quiz event, hither.

The Love Nikki Miraland Quiz effect is back and the timing couldn't be more perfect. Running parallel to the Sky & Sea result, which features v gorgeous Bounding main themed suits, players volition demand to gather equally many gratuitous diamonds as possible. Miraland Quiz events are perfect for this, equally all all you demand to do to win coins, stamina and diamonds is correctly answer questions. The event kicks off July iv at eleven a.g. EDT and will run through July ten at ix a.1000. EDT. To aid you make the most of the issue, we've put together a guide for how to participate, rewards y'all tin can win and answers to all known Miraland Quiz questions. Enjoy!

How Does The Miraland Quiz Event Piece of work? Phase Battles and Quizzes

Love, nikki, miraland, quiz, answers, questions, feather, pens, stage, battles, tips, guide, rewards, luck, draw, suits
All July Miraland Quiz answers are here! ELEX Wireless

The Miraland Quiz event is fairly simple to understand. Only play through any regular story Stage Battle and Feather Pens will drop randomly. In one case you lot go one or more plume pens, head over to the Events Icon and tap on the Time-Express tab and cull the Miraland Quiz. Here, you can plow in a feather pen for a chance to answer Miraland Quiz questions. You'll exist given rewards such equally gems, coins, star coins and stamina if your answer is right or wrong. Yous want to reply as many as you can correctly though, since more consecutive correct answers will yield bigger rewards. We accept listed those rewards below. As the Heaven & Bounding main Event volition be happening at the same time, participating in the Miraland Quiz event will be a great fashion to proceeds more than diamonds for your gacha pulls.

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Miraland Quiz ELEX Wireless

Miraland Quiz Rewards

  • Vi Correct Answers - Moon Whisper and x Stamina
  • 12 Correct Answers - Ane Fantasy Ticket and x,000 Gold
  • 22 Correct Answers - Government minister's Objection and twenty Stamina
  • 32 Correct Answers - 50 Heart Tickets and xv Star Coins
  • 46 Correct Answers - Water Ripples and 30 Stamina
  • 58 Right Answers - One Fantasy Ticket and 15,000 Gold
  • lxx Correct Answers - Momika and xl Stamina
  • 82 Right Answers - One Wish Coupon and 30 Star Coins
  • 99 Correct Answers - One Fantasy Ticket and 100 Stamina

Miraland Quiz Answers For Trivia and Wear Quizzes

Love, nikki, miraland, quiz, answers, questions, feather, pens, stage, battles, tips, guide, rewards, luck, draw, suits
All July Miraland Quiz answers are here! ELEX Wireless

Wearable Quizzes

There are 2 types of questions in the Miraland Quiz. the offset type has to do with Clothing. While we promise to have a list of these answers upward before long, the easiest way to observe the solution is to visit the Nikki'south Info Wardrobe Folio and tap on the type of detail shown in the question (hat, jacket etc.). You will see an entire listing of items there. To quickly discover which is the one you lot need, printing down Command + F on your computer to bring up a niggling search box. Blazon in the first discussion of one of the possible answers. The screen will now directly you to all items with that keyword in it. If the item isn't the same as the 1 in your question, and then attempt the side by side answer till y'all hit the correct i. NOTE: Some questions volition bear witness a "customized" version of the item, so don't skim just for the correct color. Yous need to examine the blueprint of the item to encounter if it matches.

Trivia/Lore Quizzes

The Official Love Nikki Facebook grouping is compliling ongoing listing of the Miraland Trivia Quiz answers, which has been posted here. Below, we've added everything on the list so far, but if you lot can't find the answer you lot need, bank check the linked spreadsheet to come across if it has been added there. Additionally, if yous are non still a member of the Official Love Nikki Facebook Group, consider joining: it ofttimes brings the best compilation of guides and tips for Love Nikki events.

  • Subsequently clearing the main stages, where tin we review stories and manga?
    • In Fourth dimension Diary
  • After giving 10 Like in Competition, yous can open the gift box. What is the advantage?
    • Crystal Rose
  • By Guinness World Records how many children does the about prolific female parent accept?
    • 69
  • Congrats! You drew a simple question!
    • Right Option
  • How tin we get the Dreamland Teatime set of Lilith Kingdom?
    • Pavilion of Fantasy
  • How can nosotros get the Locco's Tea Party fix?
    • Room of Mystery
  • How tin can we get the Master Sorcerer set?
    • Pavilion of Fantasy
  • How did Nikki and her friends come to the Republic of Wasteland from the Lilith Kingdom?
    • By train
  • How do we get the special background in Journeying?
    • Fourth dimension Diary
  • How many bags can Nikki wear at the same time?
    • As many as she wants
  • How many colors does the suit Flower Fairy Mevilla have?
    • 3
  • How many crystal roses are needed to exchange Miss Puff in Crystal Garden?
    • 165
  • How many crystal roses can a player obtain if she reaches i%-5% in Competition?
    • 20
  • How many Crystal Shoe pieces are needed to make ane shoe?
    • 50
  • How many diamonds are needed for 10 draws in the Pavilion of Fantasy?
    • 540
  • How many diamonds tin you go by finishing Daily Quests?
    • 53
  • How many functions are there in Workshop?
    • 4
  • How many nations are there across the Miraland?
    • 7
  • How many parts are in that location in accommodate Star Sea, the treasure of the Sea?
    • half-dozen
  • How many people designed the mansion theme suits?
    • 1
  • How many photos can you save to Starry Corridor?
    • fifty
  • How many SS attributes does Star Prophecy, the jacket of the Star-Seer outfit, have?
    • five
  • How many stamina can y'all claim in friends' mails?
    • 50
  • How many Star Coins can y'all earn if you win the battle?
    • 5
  • How many suits are included in outcome Ghost Gathering?
    • 5
  • How many suits are there in Time Yard?
    • viii
  • How many times tin the 'Story of Shanghai' dress be evolved?
    • iii
  • How much does Miss Anna cost in Store of Starlight?
    • 39 Starlight Coins
  • How much is Memory of Youth in Store?
    • 2387 Gilded
  • How to get White Swan when you have Black Swan?
    • Evolution
  • If you lot sign in monthly, which is the set you will obtain in the kickoff month?
    • Cinnabar Cloud
  • In Greek mythology, who's known every bit the female parent of gods?
    • Rhea
  • In the first round of Fantasy Styling Contest, who's Nikki opponent?
    • Sherri
  • In which chapter did Kimi first show up?
    • Chapter 2
  • In which urban center did the Nine-Solar day State of war break out?
    • Rolterdan
  • In which consequence did we first innovate avatar pendant?
    • Haunted Night
  • In which show's rehearse Nikki and Royce were invited to join?
    • Romeo and Cinderella
  • In that location are 5 Tiers in Stylist Competition. What is the third?
    • Senior Stylist
  • Usually which flower is given on Mother's Day?
    • Carnations
  • What can you practice in Starry Corridor?
    • Share your style
  • What can you lot not do in Competition?
    • Have a style competition
  • What tin can yous not do in Home?
    • Cook food
  • What discount can a VIP6 player arrive Store?
    • 15 percent off
  • What does Momo normally habiliment?
    • A cloak
  • What is Annabel'due south profession?
    • Manga Artist
  • What is Momo's favorite food?
    • Grilled FIsh
  • What is Priestess Ransa'due south true identity?
    • An Iron Rose Legion member
  • What is the first set that introduced dynamic effect in Honey Nikki?
    • Princess Azhar
  • What is the homeland of Nidhogg?
    • N
  • What is the only island nation in Miraland ?
    • Ruin
  • What is the pet Icewind Warchant that Hawkeye gave Eunikina?
    • Grani Lightning
  • What items can yous buy in Time 1000
    • Karma Crystal
  • What material is needed to customize 'Panda Pajamas' into 'Center Pajamas'?
    • Polka Dots
  • What set is Nikki wearing in the Pavilion of Fantasy poster?
    • Sheer Dance
  • What skill can remove the effect of sleeping?
    • True Love
  • What suit acquired misunderstanding between Bai Jinjin and Zhong Lizi?
    • Bunny
  • What takes the longest time in life Bits quests?
    • Arrange
  • What were Nikki and her friends seeking in Wasteland subsequently the mutiny of Nidhogg?
    • Miracle Scroll
  • What will you gain later reading Little Carmine Riding Hood in the Association?
    • Max Stamina Heave
  • What'due south Momo's favorite nutrient?
    • Grilled Fish
  • What is Mother Teresa known for?
    • Charity Work
  • What'southward Nidhogg'southward favorite small beast?
    • Rabbit
  • What's Nikki'southward constellation?
    • Sagittarius
  • What'due south NOT another word for a motherboard?
    • Keyboard
  • What's the prize set in Honey Nikki Anniversary Event?
    • Sweet Breeze
  • What'southward the special fabric owned by Lunar's family?
    • Deject Calico
  • What's the special stylist group allowable by Queen Elle?
    • Fe Rose
  • What's the city that Luna works in every bit Chief Designer?
    • Cloud Metropolis
  • What's the color of Kaja's spectacle frames?
    • Blue
  • What'south the first fix that has transparent limb parts?
    • Cosmos Tide
  • What'southward the gender of the Fantasy envoy?
    • Male
  • What'due south the homeland of Nidhogg?
    • Northward
  • What'due south the name of the queen who summoned Nikki to Miraland?
    • Nanari
  • What'southward the only island nation in Miraland?
    • Ruin
  • What'south the existent identity of Tuda?
    • Son of Tribe Chieftain
  • What's the human relationship betwixt Princess Dawn and Queen Night?
    • The same person
  • What'due south the target suit at the terminate of Chapter 3?
    • Rock Singer
  • What's the championship of archpriest Imm?
    • Current of air Whisperer
  • What'due south the true identity of Wasteland Priest Ransa?
    • Fe Rose Legion
  • What's Toto'southward Aries boyfriend's profession?
    • Lensman
  • What's young chopper Fu Su'southward true identity?
    • Main Designer's disciple
  • What's correct to secure your account?
    • Link account with a mail
  • When did the Association Shop refresh at night?
    • 20:00:00
  • When skill 'grinning' reaches max level, how much tin your score be improved?
    • 0.27
  • When was the first Mother's Twenty-four hours celebrated?
    • 1908
  • Where tin yous get a rename bill of fare?
    • Users Shop
  • Where tin you lot meet the map of Miraland?
    • Time Diary
  • Where did Nidhogg kickoff proceeds fame?
    • Designer Tea Political party
  • Where did Nikki encounter Sherry start?
    • Fantasy Styling Competition
  • Where did the Legend of Yunikina and Hawkeye happen?
    • White Rock City
  • Where does the modern Female parent's 24-hour interval originate?
    • America
  • Where is Designer's Tea Party located
    • Wintermount
  • Where is Orlando from?
    • Apple Federation
  • Where'south Fantasy Styling Contest held?
    • Imperial City
  • Where's the homeland of Nidhogg?
    • North
  • Which ancient civillization first started jubilant Mother's Mean solar day?
    • Aboriginal Greece
  • Which below is NOT required to arts and crafts clothes Star Ocean?
    • Polychrome
  • Which volume is NOT included past Clan Library?
    • Alice
  • Which category does 'Washing Machine' belong to?
    • Bottoms
  • Which character did non nourish Fantasy Styling Contest?
    • Fu Su
  • Which character offered the theme 'White fairy, otherworldly elegance, pure?
    • Lunar
  • Which Land celebrates Mother'south Day on the second Sun of May?
    • Nihon
  • Which state is mostly covered with snowfall in Miraland?
    • Due north Kingdom
  • Which twenty-four hour period is the settlement day for Loonshit?
    • Monday
  • Which blossom is included in suit Romeo?
    • Rose
  • Which instrument has not appeared in Troupe suits?
    • Piano accordion
  • Which is NOT a good choice for Mother's 24-hour interval?
    • Slumber off the day
  • Which is the date of this year'southward Mother'southward Day?
    • May 13
  • Which is the beginning music accommodate in Dear Nikki?
    • Sky Rhapsody
  • Which particular tin you non buy in User's Shop?
    • Pavilion of Mystery Sets
  • Which nation did Nikki arrive in when she first came to Miraland?
    • Apple Federation
  • Which nation does the adjust Demon Huntress belong to?
    • Dove Kingdom
  • Which nation is 'the state bathed in storm and fire'?
    • Northward Kingdom
  • Which nation lies on the southwest corner of Miraland?
    • Wasteland
  • Which nation of the Miraland does Bobo'southward everyday dressing style vest to?
    • Lilith Kingdom
  • Which newspaper does Journalist Cali piece of work for?
    • Amphithea News
  • Which NPC's suit is not included in 4 Seasons?
    • Sofia
  • Which of following is non one of the four fairies in Bloom Field?
    • Snowfall
  • Which of the following garment can't exist bought from the Association Shop?
    • Meow-Wee
  • Which of the following is not sold in the store?
    • Meow-Wee
  • Which of the following isn't an alternative color of the' Rustling Bamboo'?
    • Rustling Bamboo- Drunk
  • Which i does non belong to the Life Bits of Home?
    • Shopping Carnival
  • Which i of the following outfits is not a wedding ceremony dress?
    • Cake Manor
  • Which school did TImi go to for advanced studies with her senior?
    • Cicia Design School
  • Which secret organization does Mela, who robbed Lunar'southward design, vest to?
    • Iron Rose Stylist Legion
  • Which set below does not belong to the Pigeon Kingdom?
    • Star Seer
  • Which skill tin remove the effect of Sleeping?
    • True Honey
  • Which style is the weakness of Bai JinJin?
    • Pigeon
  • Which suit belongs to Mori Girl serial?
    • Deer Elf
  • Which suit has different forms in mean solar day and night?
    • Underworld Lord
  • Which VIP level can become the Umbrella Retention fix?
    • V12
  • Who are the 2 characters in the story of Ghost Gathering?
    • Stich and Adora
  • Who is credited with founding Mother's Solar day?
    • Anna Jarvis
  • Who is the designer of the White Swan set up?
    • Star Seer
  • Who is the famous writer Hayden's retainer?
    • Lilian
  • Who is the beginning woman in the Bible?
    • Eve
  • Who is the president of the Mercury Group?
    • Reid
  • Who is the author of the fairytale: Dream of Evernight Kingdom?
    • Hayden
  • Who put yeast in textile in Silk Shop and took Lunar away?
    • Mayor
  • Who stole the pattern of Lunar in Wheat Field?
    • Mela
  • Who sent Yvette a 'March Hare' equally a souvenir?
    • Nidhogg
  • Who was apprehended after Star Ocean was stolen?
    • Lisa
  • Who was credited with creating Mother'south Day?
    • Anna Jarvis
  • Who was the person that looks like Nikki at the Designer'southward Tea Party?
    • Bai Jinjin
  • Who wrote the Fourth dimension Diary in accomplishment?
    • Nikki
  • Who's Lu Yinian?
    • The Landlady of Moon Inn
  • Who'southward the chief designer of Apple Federation Apparel Group?
    • Joe
  • Who's the little girl Nikki met in Moonlit Urban center?
    • The Mayor
  • Who's the seer that Nikki met in Wasteland?
    • Starlet
  • Whose works were taken by Queen Elle of the Pigeon Kingdom in the Nine-Solar day War?
    • Rex Sayet


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