Beefiness jerky is a nutritious and delicious treat that tin can give you a much-needed hardy boost of energy to help you get through your workday. But while pre-packaged and store-bought hasty brands are great , nothing tin compare to the delectable, savory flavor of specially prepared homemade beef jerky , especially when flavored with the perfect marinade blend of spices , herbs , and quality teriyaki sauce .

If you'd care to attempt creating this spectacular jerky for yourself, please continue reading to follow the recipe below . Your teriyaki beef jerky should exist ready in approximately half-dozen hours and xx minutes and yield well-nigh three pounds of succulent, savory jerky that you'll be able to enjoy for weeks to come up.

Related: 2 Chicks Jerky - Beefiness Hasty Selections

Teriyaki Beef Jerky Ingredients

To set up your batch of homemade teriyaki beef jerky, you're going to need to gather several specific ingredients. These include:

Moisture Ingredients

  • v lbs of fresh beef flank steak (or any other cut you'd prefer, merely retrieve to trim the fatty before you offset)
  • 1½ cups of teriyaki sauce (we highly recommend Mr. Yoshida'south Original Gourmet Sweet Teriyaki sauce )
  • 2 cups of quality Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 loving cup of soy sauce (we also highly recommend Kikkoman Soy Sauce )
  • 3 teaspoons of liquid smoke

Dry out Ingredients

  • 2 teaspoons of garlic pulverisation
  • four teaspoons of onion pulverization
  • 4 teaspoons of black pepper
  • ane teaspoon of cayenne pulverization
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt
  • four tablespoons of dark-brown sugar
  • ane¼ tablespoons of reddish pepper flakes
  • 1 tablespoon of maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons of honey

 Needed Tools

  • Aluminum foil
  • Several quality bamboo skewers
  • Large bowl
  • Plastic wrap
  • Latex gloves (optional)

Are you looking for a source of one-of-a-kind, deliciously flavorful jerky to enjoy throughout the solar day while providing a quick burst of free energy? Check out the top-quality, all-natural products offered by 2 Chicks Jerky today.

Teriyaki Beef Jerky: A Simple Step-By-Pace Recipe

Take the time to follow the following five-step recipe carefully to produce the best results . Also, don't be discouraged by the 6 hours and 20 minutes cook time noted above in the introduction because the process is much faster and easier than information technology seems. The vast majority of that time will be spent with the beef drying in your oven , so you can boot back and take the time to relax while your bootleg jerky is existence prepared.

Stride i: Wink Freezing Your Beef

The first step of the beef jerky-making process (no matter what blazon of beefiness you lot end up using) is to trim off as much visible fatty from your beefiness equally possible. You lot so want to place the meat on a make clean cookie canvas and wink freeze the meat for approximately 20 minutes while preparing the balance of the wet and dry out ingredients (Footstep 2). Flash freezing your beef at a very depression temperature with common cold, circulating air will help the meat retain all of its nutrients and juices until information technology's time for the jerky to be dried in your oven.

Related: Ii Chicks Jerky - Turkey Jerky Selections

Step two: Dry and Wet Ingredient Prep

As your beefiness is in the process of flash freezing, take the time to advisedly combine your ingredients in a large bowl (it should exist big enough to hold all of the marinade ingredients along with all of the beef you will be using). Be sure that you lot add together the correct amount of ingredients to the marinade as suggested by the recipe the first time you brand your jerky. Any alterations can significantly impact the flavor of your jerky once information technology has been completed.

Footstep three: Beef Prep and Marination

After the twenty minutes of wink freezing is up, and yous've prepared your marinade, take the beef out of the freezer and carefully slice it into strips approximately ⅛ to ¼ of an inch thick . Be conscientious to ensure that each strip is roughly equal in terms of thickness . Besides, make sure to trim whatsoever boosted fat that you may have missed during the beginning step of the process.

One time the beefiness has been cutting into appropriately sized strips , add them into the marinade bowl thoroughly mix everything using your easily, ensuring that each beef strip is fully covered in the marinade . Cover the bowl with a tight layer of plastic wrap , and leave the beefiness to marinate overnight , or move the strips into an closed Ziplock bag for that same corporeality of fourth dimension to help ensure the meat doesn't harden or begin to dry out prematurely .

Footstep 4: Oven and Drying Prep

After a whole night of marinating , remove the beefiness from the bowl and gently pat it dry . Then, take your bamboo skewers and advisedly skewer each strip of meat , leaving a small infinite between slices to encourage complete dryness . Afterwards all the strips have been skewered, arrange the beefiness beyond your oven rack and so that the entire rack is covered. So, identify a large canvass of aluminum foil on the lesser of the oven to catch any drippings and preclude excess mess.

Without preheating, set your oven to its everyman possible temperature (usually 170 degrees Fahrenheit ) and leave the door slightly ajar on its hinges. This is to assistance ensure that the beef volition dry out out rather than be cooked in the oven. Let the meat sit down and dry for between 5 and 6 hours , and check on it occasionally to ensure that it isn't being cooked.

Related: Two Chicks Jerky Merch

Step v: Dry, Store, and Enjoy!

Once the 5 to 6 hours of drying fourth dimension are completed, turn off your oven and let the beef skewers rest between 10 and 15 minutes . Afterwards resting, carefully remove each of the skewers from the oven rack and leave them out on a tray until they are completely cool . In one case cooled, y'all can remove your jerky from the bamboo skewers , and either store them in an closed container to enjoy later or commencement digging in right away to enjoy the savory fruits of your dwelling cooking labor. Bask!

Are you on the hunt for a healthy, all-natural flavor experience to requite you free energy as you lot go through your workday? Have a expect at the delicious products provided by Two Chicks Jerky today and say goodbye to the hasty you thought was your favorite.