How Does Divorce Affect a Family Limited Partnership

During a marital divorce, a couple can work cooperatively to divide the assets in their marital manor, including the interests they ain in private businesses.  Things become much more challenging in divorce proceedings, even so, when one spouse seeks to retain control of marital assets past standing to command interests that are held by the couple in family limited partnerships, LLC's, or other private companies.  In this Blog Mail, we focus on diverse exit strategies that a spouse who is a Express Partner or other minority member may use in a divorce activity to secure control over their share of the avails in the marital estate.

Defining the Family unit Limited Partnership (FLP)

An FLP is but a limited partnership formed by the members of a family unit.  Families form FLP'due south for many reasons, including to achieve tax savings in an estate plan, to protect assets from creditors, to assist manage family assets, and to simplify almanac gifting.  As in whatsoever partnership, the General Partners of the FLP manage and control the activities of the partnership, and they are therefore liable for all partnership debts and obligations.  The General Partners besides owe a fiduciary duty to the Limited Partners, who have few or no rights to manage or command the entity, and who accept no liability for for any partnership debts or obligations.  Oftentimes, the FLP is structured so that the founders and decision-making General Partners are senior family members who transfer assets into the FLP.  Younger family members usually receive limited partnership interests, and may contribute some of their assets in commutation.

LLCs tin can be used the same way and for the same purposes.  In an LLC, notwithstanding, the members (owners) of the LLC can be given the right to participate in management of the entity.  This is known as a fellow member-managed LLC.  In the marital context, problems can arise when one spouse is the sole manager of the LLC and has the right to make all direction decisions for the entity without input from the not-manager spouse.

What is the FLP/LLC Problem?

  1. Command is Not Shared Every bit

    An FLP can provide significant benefits, but it can also be used as a vehicle by ane of the spouses to secure and maintain permanent command over marital assets.  If i spouse is the General Partner, he or she may seek to continue controlling marital assets even after the divorce by continuing to command the FLP.  Texas is a customs property state, meaning that most of the holding spouses larn during the wedlock must be divided equally betwixt them in a divorce. Texas also subscribes, still, to the entity theory in partnership law, which holds that partnership assets belong to the entity and not to the individual partners.  When a couple divorces, therefore, the FLP'due south assets are no longer community property and those avails are not subject area to partitioning past the family court. [ane]   The General Partner spouse may insist that Limited Partner spouse is permitted only to dissever his or her ownership involvement in the partnership itself and cannot force a sectionalisation or distribution of any of the actual avails held by the FLP.

    Once once again, this is similar to an LLC in which one spouse is appointed to serve as sole managing director of the entity.  The sole LLC director may effectively operate with the powers of a general partner and the other spouse, who is merely an LLC fellow member, will not take admission to or the rights of control over whatsoever of the avails held by the LLC.   Another problematic provision in the LLC understanding may exist that the non-manager spouse will not have the correct to remove the manager from office.

  2. General Partner Or LLC Manager Controls All Distributions

In addition to the General Partner's right to manage and control the FLP, about FLP agreements also provide that whether to declare distributions and in what amount are matters that are within the General Partner'south sole and absolute discretion.  FLP agreements also ofttimes restrict the transfer of partnership interests to 'keep it in the family unit.'  Similarly, virtually LLC agreements restrict sale of membership interests and provide the manager with the sole control rights in regard to distributions.

The net effect of the FLP and LLC structures is that the Express Partner or minority member has surrendered consummate control to the General Partner over all customs avails held by the FLP.  In effect, the marital assets are locked into the FLP and only the General Partner has the fundamental.  A shrewd and financially-savvy spouse who is planning a divorce may take an FLP fatigued up ostensibly to protect the family avails.  In reality, however, the spouse'due south goal in forming the FLP is to change the graphic symbol of the community assets then that they will exist controlled by and accessible solely to the controlling spouse who acts as the General Partner or sole director.  The question then becomes whether the family courtroom has been deprived of its ability to separate the customs assets in 'a just and right manner.'

Getting What Y'all Need – Action Programme for Limited Partners and LLC Members

Every marriage is different and at that place is no cookie cutter response to the problems that arise from the way the couple structured their investments in private companies.  A legal solution requires a thorough assay of the specific facts and investments held past the couple.  What follows in this Post, therefore, are general guidelines for spouses who are Limited Partners and/or LLC members and who are attempting to secure a divorce in which they regain command over their share of community/marital avails.

  1. Map the Route

    Most spouses going through a divorce who are Limited Partners or LLC members desire to take their share of the marital avails with them upon departing.  To obtain this freedom, the first step for any Express Partner or LLC member is to review and fully understand the terms of the partnership agreement or LLC agreement.  These agreements will govern the operation, termination, and transferability of the partnership and LLC.

  2. Secure a Third-Party Valuation

    Most often, the adjacent step is for the Limited Partner or LLC member to obtain an adept valuation of their ownership interest in the entity (or entities).  In this regard, at that place may be substantial discounts that use to the ownership involvement of the Express Partner or LLC member due to the restrictions on transferability and inability to participate in management.  The Limited Partner and LLC member spouse volition too desire to discuss with experienced divorce counsel the possibility of calculation the entity as a party to the divorce proceeding.  Finally, the departing spouse must seriously consider the tax implications of removing assets from the FLP or LLC.

  3. Ask The Family Court to Practise its Broad Equitable Ability
  1. Request Rescission of Entity

    Under Texas law, spouses owe fiduciary duties to each other.  The Limited Partner or LLC member should therefore carefully review the circumstances under which the partnership or LLC was formed.  Depending on what the spouse who is the General Partner or Director said to induce the other spouse to sign the entity agreements, the Limited Partner or LLC member may have a claim for fraud.  Upon a mere finding of unfairness, the family courtroom has the dominance to rescind the documents that created the FLP. [2]   A Texas court of appeals has upheld the rescission of a shareholder's agreement based on a jury finding that the shareholder'due south agreement was unfair due to the married man's violation of his fiduciary duty to his wife, the husband'south benefit at the expense of his wife, the hubby's inside knowledge of the corporation, and the wife'southward lack of independent legal counsel. [three]

  2. Seek Engagement of Receiver

    The family unit courtroom also has wide, discretionary powers under the provisions of the Texas Family Code to appoint a receiver, who will act to preserve and protect  marital property. [4]   In Norem five. Norem, a wife requested that the family unit court engage  a receiver over shares of stock that were community belongings.  The family courtroom, affirmed on appeal, best-selling that the corporations property the stock were not parties to the divorce action. The family court all the same appointed a receiver on the ground that it had jurisdiction over the community belongings shares of stock in the corporation. [5]

  3. Movement for Dissolution of the Entity

    The Limited Partner or LLC fellow member spouse may accept an argument that the entity should be dissolved under Section 11.314 of the Texas Business Organizations Lawmaking, which governs the involuntary winding upwards and termination of Texas partnerships and is not-waivable.   This section authorizes a commune court to order the winding up and termination of a partnership if the court determines that the economical purpose of the partnership is likely to be unreasonably frustrated.  The standard is not an piece of cake i to meet, but may apply in some situations.

  4. Pursue an Equitable Division/Laurels

Some other measure the Limited Partner or LLC member spouse may wish to consider is asking the family court to award the entire partnership interest to the one spouse and application assets of comparable value to the other spouse.  Of form, this division of assets volition not piece of work if the largest percent of the value of the marital assets are held in the FLP or LLC.


There are numerous advantages for couples in negotiating a thoughtful, informed division of their assets in order to avert the pregnant uncertainties involved if a court determines at trial how to value and divide the community assets.  When the decision-making spouse refuses to participate in negotiations or to agree to a reasonable sectionalisation of the marital assets, however, the non-controlling Limited Partner or LLC member does have legal and equitable remedies the family court tin can enforce to foreclose one spouse from continuing to control the marital avails afterwards the divorce concludes.  Even when they can't secure all they want, in most cases, a spouse who is a Express Partner or LLC fellow member can often get what they demand from the family court so that their assets do non remain controlled past their spouse following the divorce.

[1] Harris v. Harris, 765 S.W.2nd 798, 802 (Ct. App. – Houston 1989).

[two] See Miller v. Miller, 700 Due south.W.2nd 941, 942 (Ct. App. –Dallas 1985).

[3] Id. at 946-49.

[4] Norem five. Norem, 105 Due south.W.3d 213, 216 (Ct. App. – Dallas 2003)(the Family Code controls the engagement of a receiver in a divorce arrange, not the Texas Ceremonious Exercise and Remedies Code).

[5] Id. at 215.


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